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Sponsorship Opportunities

A Night Under the Stars

Super Star Sponsor - $5,000 ($3,000 Tax-Deductible)

  • 8 guests including preferred seating
  • Name/logo featured on event invitation, collateral materials including signage at the event and event website
  • Verbal Acknowledgment

Shooting Star Sponsor- $2,500 ($1,500 Tax-Deductible)

  • 4 guests
  • Name/Logo featured on event invitation, collateral materials including signage at the event and on event website

North Star Sponsor- $1,000 ($500 Tax-Deductible)

  • 2 guests
  • Name listed on event invitation, collateral materials including signage at the event and on event website

Shining Star Sponsor - $350 ($100 Tax-Deductible)

  • 1 guest
  • Name listed on event invitation, collateral materials including signage at the event and on event website